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Description of Archives Access Service

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-03-01
  • View count:2336

Archives Access Service


The Application for Archives Access Service

1.Applications for viewing, copying or duplicating archives shall declare the reason(s) in writing. The government agency shall not refuse the applications unless it is based on the law.(§Article 17,Archives Act)
2.In order to promote public awareness and use of archives, we provide information such as the regulation for archive viewing applicants, application form for archive viewing, archives application procedures and fee standards (for viewing, hand-copying or duplication of Archives).

Laws and Regulations

Collection of Archives Act, Political Archives Act, Organization Act, Regulations, Directions and Handbooks to convenient public awareness and search.

Activities of Archives

Highlights of archives activities and exhibitions.

Links for Archives Resources

The public can easily search archives via the websites such as Navigating Electronic Agencies’Records,’National Archives Administration, National Development Council,and Archive Cross boundaries.

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