Description on compilation
- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2024-06-26
- View count:3331
Description on compilation
- Unit of publication and compilation
Unit of publication:Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office
Unit of compilation:Office of Statistics, Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office
Office of Statistics contact telephone:(02)23615206
- Format of publication
On-line announcement:
- Scope, period, and timeline of the information
(1) Area and subject of statistics:Cases under jurisdiction of Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office
(2) Standard time of statistics:
1.Dynamic information:designating the full annual (monthly) information; annual information starts
on January 1 to December 31 of the year; monthly information starts on the first to the last day of
the month.
2.Static information:designating the information at the end of the year (month). Annual information
is the information on December 31 of the year; monthly information is that at the last day of the
(3) Definition of statistics:per regulations of ”statistics of justice words meaning ”
(4) Unit of statistics:
1.Case:number of cases
2.People:number of people
3.Days of case:number of days
5.Dollar amount:New Taiwan Dollars
6.For others, please refer to what’s stated in the table
(5) Time of publication:
1.Mid-month for monthly information
2.Mid-January of next year for this year’s information