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Introduction on the probation system and probation operations

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  • Last updated:2024-06-20
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Introduction of probation operations
The Probation Office is mainly responsible for adult custody cases executed according to the Criminal Code and Rehabilitative Measure Execution Act; and community treatment cases according to Deferred Prosecution of the Code of Criminal Procedure in addition to being responsible for judicial protection operations. Adult custody cases are executed mainly in the form of interview and visit and given different levels of supervision, and individual or group counseling depending on the situation of each case, for example, urine sampling and testing, special consultation counseling for addicts with AIDS, group employment counseling seminars. Special type of cases such as sexual assault, narcotics offense, are separately focused in order to enhance execution result to prevent recidivism. Due to limited government personnel and supply resources, our office recruits volunteers jointly with Taipei Probation Volunteers Association from the various fields in society. After accepting basic and special professional trainings, they become the probation volunteers to assist in the execution of custody cases and help the people under custody in the education, employment, support, and medical treatment. They also provide help for the people under custody requiring emergency assistance Many social resources are also combined to implement various transfers to assist the people under custody to return to society as much as possible. Criminal cases have been expanded to pre-trial stage where in implementing deferred prosecution, the accused who agree may pay a certain amount of money to charity organizations. The probation office participates in accepting and reviewing the proposal for disposition of the money and dollar amount by the charity institutions (groups). The accused who agree may be ordered to provide a certain number of hours of labor to such institutions (groups). The probation office is responsible in the development of institutions which receives the accused for conducting labor service, description of administrative regulations, distribution of labors, correspondence with labor execution institution, assessment, and visit and review the actual status of implementation on the accused. The Prosecutors Office started sponsoring ‘Education Seminar on Traffic Safety and Gender Equal Rights’ in 2008 for deferred prosecution cases of drunk drivers committing Offenses Against Public Safety and sexual conduct. The probation office is responsible in planning and inviting lecturer of the course. Implementation is undertaken by the Enforcement Section, It's considered to be an cross-section operation. In addition, for the narcotic offenders who received deferred prosecution, the probation office is responsible for referral to hospital for replacement therapy and rehabilitation psychological counseling, which is a cross-field operation. Area of judicial protection includes summer promotion for juvenile crime prevention, community life camp jointly sponsored with schools, anti-drug and anti-vote buying promotions, college students for probation interning, interning judges, interning probation officers.

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