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Group treatment of custody cases

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-06-20
  • View count:1691

a Narcotics rehabilitation group August, 2010 ~ December, 2020

The Prosecutors Office jointly started the ‘Metamorphosis and blessings of life’ program with Songde Branch of Taipei City Hospitals, a joint probation program for narcotics offenders and ‘Restarting life journey’, group treatment program for narcotics offenders under custody from 2007 and continues to undergo intensive therapeutic group counseling with good results. This year, we continue with the past experience of professionalism and love to custom make group structure, theme that meets the need of rehabilitation group for narcotics offenders under custody of high recidivism while designing classes that will prevent recidivism for individual cases in the hope of providing intensive group counseling, therapy through the dedication of the medical team, professional psychological assistance that all participants will learn how to understand their own selves, manage emotion, increase stress resistance, and build confidence for restarting into the next phase.

b  Religious group counseling

1. Purpose:in order to enhance combining social resources and fortify counseling for the people under
custody using multiple methods, we therefor have joined Buddha’s Light International Association of R.O.C
to make the people under custody to realize the good self through the help of Buddhism for a better home
life and social serenity.
2. Method of operation:include life seminars, Buddhism reading club, music recital, incense run, calisthenics,
3. Participants:People under custody of the Taipei District Prosecutors Office and their family members.
4. Time of activity:From January to December, 2010(Thursday of second week of every month)
5. Pictures of the activity:

Topics speech: the teacher
Topics speech: the teacher(above)

Group sharing of ‘Human Buddhism Reading Club’ led by the master monk
Group sharing of ‘Human Buddhism Reading Club’ led by the master monk

C Group employment counseling

Due to the fact that whether the person under custody having a job or not will affect his life performance. So there is necessity and urgency in providing employment seeking channels or job training information. Sponsoring this activity provides those who were just released or other people under custody awaiting employment a proper employment seeking channel or job training courses and will enhance the willingness to work in order to achieve the result of recidivism prevention.

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