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background of Chief

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-03-29
  • View count:655

Chief Prosecutor Mr. Cheng, Ming-Chian

Chief Prosecutor Mr. Cheng, Ming-Chian
Since May 3, 2023


  • LL.B., Department of Law, National Chung-Hsing University


  • Chief Prosecutor, Taiwan Tainan District Prosecutors Office
  • Chief Prosecutor, Taiwan Yunlin District Prosecutors Office
  • Deputy Director-General, Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice
  • Chief Secretary, Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice
  • Deputy Director-General of Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice
  • Prosecutor, Taiwan High Prosecutors Office
  • Prosecutor, Tainan Branch, Taiwan High Prosecutors Office
  • Prosecutor, Kaohsiung Branch, Taiwan High Prosecutors Office
  • Director-General, Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice
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