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Implementation of Significant Criminal Policies

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  • Last updated:2023-10-21
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Carry out important criminal policies


Crime is an antisocial behavior which jeopardizes social ideal, burden social capacity, damage social order, and harm social welfare.  Combating and preventing crimes and protecting social security is our office’s duty; and also the key criminal policy.  To protect social security, our office has to do the followings:

(1) Fight against gang and violence

Promptly investigate violent crimes and crack down gang activities are the top priority to protect social security.  Our office has assigned head prosecutors and prosecutors to form a special task force with judicial police, investigators, and military police, to tackle down gang and organized crimes; and thus to protect social security.

(2) Fight against corruption

To correct political corruption and government ethics, our office has set up an anticorruption task force based on “Anticorruption Operation” in Sep. 1993.  The task force cooperates closely with judicial police, investigators, and civil service ethics officer to tackle down anticorruption crimes and to indict with scrutiny.

(3) Fight against drugs

To guarantee public health and rebuild a clean society, our office set up Antidrug Task Force based on “declare war to drug” police in July 1994.  The task force work closely with investigators, military police and judicial police to investigate drug crime and to halt drug prevailing.

(4) Fight against bribery election

To maintain a clear election to correct election custom, our office set up an Anti-bribery Election Task Force and an Election Information Center to direct judicial police and investigators to actively investigate election-related cases.  A scrutinized indict is also followed.

(5) Fight against computer and cyber crimes

Following the increase of computer users and the development of internet, computer and cybercrime become a new type of offense.  Our office has connected prosecutors, judicial police, investigators, telecommunication experts, and computer experts to form a liaison to combat computer and cybercrimes; and thus protect internet order and social security.

(6) Fight against juvenile and children prostitution

To protect juvenile and children and eliminate juvenile and children prostitution, pursuant to Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act and Guideline of prosecutors and judicial police to prevent child and juvenile prostitution, our office has set up a special task force to tackle the crime in Jan. 1996.

(7) Fight against economic crimes

To stabilize economic order, our office has set up task forces to deal with intellectual property crimes, illegal banking crimes, and illegal stock exchange crimes. 

(8) Popularize legal education

To popularize legal education, our office sends out prosecutors to schools, government agencies, and other institutes to lecture with regard to legal knowledge.  Our office also cooperates with radio station to produce legal education show to broadcast on air for all population.

(9) Supervise alternative dispute resolutions

To promote people settle disputes in mediation committee, our office sends out prosecutors to supervise the process and provide legal counselling in the committee.  In so doing, we hope to increase case settle rate in the committee, and thus decrease cases filed to our office and promote social hamony.

Briefing of performances of Taipei District Public Prosecutors Office    
Briefing of performances of Taipei District Public Prosecutors Office

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